Summary of Responses to Pre-event Questionnaire

06 June 2019

The main concept of the OCP is to help articulate a common vision for the future of the weather enterprise in the coming decade and beyond with the expectation that the next decade will be the decade of digital transformation in almost every sphere of businesses and human activities. To help the Round Table discussion, participants were invited, through a small survey, to share initial thought on their vision for the next 10 years and related obstacles/barriers that need to be overcome. The survey also asked about expectations and suggestion on the future operation of the OCP.

Close to 40 responses to the surveys have been received. In summarizing these responses, five themes appeared as areas of common concern. Following the “Chatham House rule”, a summary of the main views, without attribution to their originators, is presented below following the five main themes. The responses to questions 1 and 2 are summarized with some selected views presented, as in their original, in quotation marks; all responses to questions 3 and 4 are given in full, as material for further analysis.

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Document type:
  • Event report
  • Tatsuya Kimura, Director, Public-Private Engagement Office